Our uniform at Waterhouses is simple but smart. We believe there is a close connection between children feeling correctly dressed and their general behaviour and attitude to school work.
School uniform also helps to develop the important aspect of belonging, identity and pride in their school.
A navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with our school logo should be worn with black/grey trousers, skirt or shorts and a white/pale blue polo shirt, shirt or blouse. In summer, a blue and white checked dress may be worn. Dark coloured appropriate school shoes are required (not trainers).
Nursery children are not required to have a full uniform, however we do encourage them to wear a jumper or cardigan with the school logo.
We do have a school uniform bank in school, which gives students and parents the opportunity to donate old uniform or collect items they may require, free of charge / donations if they wish.

Boys Uniform

Girls Uniform #1

Girls Uniform #2
School uniform with the school logo is available to buy from:
SuperSport: Hope Silk Mill, Macclesfield Rd, Leek Tel: 01538 386226 or Buy Online
PE: Indoor – pale blue or white collarless t-shirt (with or without logo) and navy blue shorts,
Outdoor – trainers and navy blue or black tracksuit/jogging bottoms and sweatshirt are recommended for colder weather.
Swimming: All in one swimsuit or fitted swimming trunks (not baggy beach shorts). Swim caps must be worn for children with long hair, these are available to buy (£2), in house colours, from the school office.
Forest School: Suitable outdoor clothing including waterproof jacket and trousers or splashsuit and wellingtons/sturdy weatherproof footwear.