Waterhouses Christian Vision
‘Let your light shine!’
Make your light shine, so others will see the good you do and will praise your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
Our School Council is made up of children who are elected representatives from each year group year 1 – year 6 and the Foundation Stage contributions are shared with the council members by their class teacher.
The council meets during term time to discuss issues raised at class councils and the children are given an opportunity to share ideas about proposed improvements to the school.
Pupil voice is highly regarded within school and one of the ways pupils can express their ideas is via the School Council.
We have our own notice board with our visual action plan displayed on it and a suggestions box for all of the school to use, including the adults.
Children who are elected onto the School Council agree to follow the rules below:
The School Council representatives will:
Follow the school Vision and the three Golden Rules:
Be safe Be respectful Be Responsible and be a ‘Shining Light’ around school and the local community.
Promote the rules of the school to all other pupils.
Demonstrate the highest levels of behaviour at all times.
Attend meetings and be on time.
Listen to the views of other pupils.
Discuss any ideas / issues from class council during school council meetings
Promote the interests of all pupils at meetings.
Work together as a team, ensuring co-operation and communication.
Be representative of pupils at events and occasions.
Develop their leadership skills
Thank you for taking the time to read about our roles.