Waterhouses CE Primary Academy
Waterfall Lane
ST10 3HY
T: 01538 308356
E: office@waterhouses.staffs.sch.uk
For general enquiries please ask to speak to Mrs Duffield in the school office.
If you wish to speak to the Headteacher, ask for Mrs Linton.
Chair of Governors Mr Gordon Kneller
Email: Kneller.G1@waterhouses.staffs.sch.uk
Safeguarding: Our Designated Safeguarding Leads in school are Mrs J Hulme (DSL) & Mrs R Linton (DDSL) If you have any safeguarding concerns please email: safeguarding@waterhouses.staffs.sch.uk or speak to staff.
Our complaints policy can be found here
Any complaints relating to penalty notices please contact: penaltynoticeenuiries@staffordshire.gov.uk
Waterhouses CE Primary Academy is proud to be part of QEGSMAT – Question, Explore, Give, Succeed Multi Academy Trust
Tel: 01335 340830
Email: info@qegsmat.com
Address: QEGSMAT, The Green Road, Ashbourne,
Derbyshire, DE6 1EP
*If you would like to hire our swimming pool / hall/ classrooms please contact the school office for a booking form.*