Trust &,

Local Governors

Waterhouses CE Primary Academy Local Governing Body

The strategic direction of the school is determined by a group of volunteers who represent different aspects of our community.


Chair of Governors Mr Gordon Kneller


Vice Chair of Governors Dr Stephen Martin
Foundation Governors Mrs Joyce Forshaw
Mrs Jane Simpson
Parent Governors Mrs Samantha Carrington
Ms Charlotte Morris
Co-opted Governors Mr Gordon Kneller
Mrs Jackie Pakes
Dr Stephen Martin
Mrs Judith Johnson
Mrs Claire Brindley​​
Staff Governors Mrs Rachel Linton (Headteacher)
Miss Beth Hall
Link/Nominated Governor Roles:
Computing & Online Safety Mr Gordon Kneller
Creative Arts Mrs Claire Brindley, Dr Stephen Martin and Mrs Samantha Carrington
English Mrs Jackie Pakes
EYFS Mrs Samantha Carrington
Governor Training Mr Gordon Kneller
Health & Safety Dr Stephen Martin
Maths Mr Gordon Kneller
PE Mr Gordon Kneller
PSHE Mrs Jackie Pakes
Prevent Mrs Jackie Pakes
RE & Worship
Safeguarding & LAC Mrs Judith Johnson
Science Dr Stephen Martin
SEND/Pupil Premium Mrs Samantha Carrington and Mrs Rachel Linton
White Tigers (Years 4,5 & 6) Mrs Jackie Pakes and Mrs Joyce Forshaw
Penguins (Years 2 & 3) Mrs Judith Johnson
Otters (Year 1) Mrs Claire Brindley & Mrs Jane Simpson
Ladybirds (Reception & Nursery) Mr Steve Martin and Mrs Samantha Carrington

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Waterhouses CE Primary Academy