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Road Safety Week – out and about with Ladybird Class


On a cold November morning, Ladybird class went for a walk around the local environment to listen for the sounds they could hear and to think about how we keep ourselves safe near the roads. We began our walk by feeling the frosty grass and looking at the frozen bushes and we discussed what would happen when the sun came out.                 

We looked at the frosty patterns on the leaves that had fallen from the trees. The children counted how many leaves were left on some of the autumn trees and tried to catch a few of the remaining leaves as they fell down to the ground.

Before we crossed the road, we stood on the pavement and listened to the different noises we could hear. We heard birds singing, cars in the distance, noises from the quarry and a loud noise that was made when a lorry came past our school.                    

On our walk we looked at the different shaped signs and learnt what they meant.

We found the silver spheres on a garden gate and counted nine altogether.  

We looked at the different shaped windows and doors and found numbers on the doors that we knew around the village. 

In the distance, we saw the industry ‘Lafarge cement works’ where some of our mummies and daddies go to work.  When we returned to school, we discussed where we live and decided that living in the countryside is a beautiful place to be.              

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Waterhouses CE Primary Academy